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Focus on Energy

Writer: Amy RowlinsonAmy Rowlinson

On Monday I was asked to share on Derek Arden’s Web Chat Show Live what I had learned over the summer. Initially I thought I wouldn’t have much to share as I had been out of the office for most of August visiting my father and brother in France and my mother and grandmother in Stratford-upon-Avon. On further reflection, how wrong I was! Today’s focus is on energy and more specifically where it features in your life. From the Greek word ‘energia’ meaning ‘in or within work’, it is of little surprise to me that Aristotle had his hand in its origination. “Energy is a condition that describes the capacity to do work.” Aristotle So while I was hands off work, energy was still a constant. Wherever I went energy appeared in one form or another. Energy presents itself in differing forms in the world: mechanical, thermal, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, sonic, gravitational, kinetic, potential and ionization. “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein Looking at the transcripts, I can see that energy has been referenced in almost every single Focus on WHY podcast episode. In episode 080 Time, Energy and Money with Ann Wilson, Ann shares that her purpose in life is just to be awake and to be present. She said that we all have time, energy and money and that how we combine these elements will create our life experience. What do time, energy and money mean to you? For me, my time is best spent focused on education and learning and in turn applying and sharing these learnings with others whether that be in the form of my podcasting, coaching or mentoring. Flow is energy. Flow is where you grow! My energy and time is devoted to ensuring that I, and everyone I interact with, live the best versions of life possible and for me money is simply an enabler. I believe that by offering value out to the world I am well rewarded for this in many different ways. Back in episode 068 Energy is Everything with Angela Rigby, the focus was on pranic energy. Life energy keeps the body strong and alive and Angela shared how as well as our physical body we have an energetic component to us as well. Often known as chi, with its origins in early Chinese philosophy, chi is the life-giving, vital energy that unites the body, mind and spirit. Based on the principle that the body is self-healing and is able to repair itself, pranic healers help to accelerate the process by encouraging vital energy to the area of the body that needs it most and remove the blockages. Another guest on the podcast, in episode 123 Follow Your Path with Adrian Hales, Adrian shared how through his own personal awakening and superhuman journey, values and energy found significance and purpose in his life. Energy can’t be created or destroyed. It’s just there. Energy is not just physical, it is also mental and emotional. You are responsible for your own energy levels and I was reminded of this when I heard George Anderson, guest from episode 191 A Bit of a Boost, share some of his practical strategies to help you manage your energy at this week’s Professional Speaking Association South East event. Finally, how could I forget Ms Life Energy Battery Charger herself, from episode 003 Now is Your Time with Jo Akhgar (now Jo Lightfoot)? Jo physically exudes energy and you can’t help but smile or giggle when in her company. So passionate about life and living a life of fulfilment and purpose, Jo has found that she can direct all this passion and energy into her teaching and coaching to help others to achieve what they desire. So although I took time out from work this summer, I focused my energy on reading and learning. This is what I shared on Derek Arden’s show on Monday. That I wanted to protect my energy and spend more time with my family. To do this I needed to protect my boundaries so my first task back from my break was to compartmentalise my calendar. I broke it down into separate blocks allocating different slots to different tasks. Income-generating and content creation tasks are positioned at the peak times where I have lots of energy and can fully concentrate on these tasks. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla Your time and energy are your most precious resources. Be mindful how you use them and protect them. To stay on task, focus on energy!

ACTION POINT Where are you directing your energy in life and how does that serve you? Which activities inspire you most and give you the most energy?

Amy WHAT DID I READ IN AUGUST? HERE ARE MY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS* On Writing by Stephen King - The Courage to be Disliked by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi - The Courage to be Happy by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi - Shoe Dog by Phil Knight - The Art of War by Sun Tzu - How to Listen by Katie Colombus - Opportunity by Rob Moore - Loving What Is by Byron Katie - *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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