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Focus on Feedback

Writer: Amy RowlinsonAmy Rowlinson

Feedback can be both empowering and intimidating. A fear of feedback can hold you back, preventing you from starting or finishing important projects. Fearing criticism and rejection initially held me back from starting and subsequently from finishing writing my book. However, I overcame those fears!


As I learned from completing my book, the true benefit of feedback lies not in pleasing everyone but in knowing that you’ve fulfilled a personal goal or dream. I realised the feedback I would receive upon publication wasn’t as important as the fact I’d completed something meaningful: continuing my grandfather’s legacy and creating my own living legacy. I feel confident in knowing that in many ways with writing my book I’ve contributed positively to future generations by helping them to build a life filled with purpose and meaning.


The benefit of receiving feedback is its potential to help you grow, refine your work and connect with others. Throughout writing my book, I asked for feedback from many people. My publisher, project director, developmental editor, copy editor, proofreader, peers, friends and family members have all offered their feedback over the last two years. As a result of taking on board a lot of their constructive feedback, the book is in a much better shape than if I’d gone alone and not sought out any professional or personal advice.


On the downside, knowing that focusing too much on negative feedback can erode confidence, I was always sure to understand that it was only ever sometimes opinion I was receiving and that I had the choice either to take it on board or to ignore it. In the end, the benefits of seeking and gaining feedback surpassed my fears of being rejected or being criticised.


A strong focus on why you do what you do can outweigh your fears to lead you toward success and personal fulfilment. A strong Focus on WHY will carry you through life. Reframe the whole concept of feedback as feedforward and fully embrace it.


Focus on Feedback. Focus on WHY!

ACTION POINT - How do you embrace critical yet constructive feedback as an opportunity for growth and learning?



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