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Focus on Humanity

Ever since I recorded episode 422 Revolutionising Conflict Resolution with Barefoot Mediator, Jane Gunn, I've been reflecting on the two questions she asked. Having shared how the human race has experienced many revolutions throughout history she asked, ‘What’s next?’ and ‘Can we step into our humanity?’


Can we step into our humanity? Yes, I believe we can and so does Jane. But how and why?


Throughout history, humanity has undergone transformative shifts, each revolution shaping the world in profound ways. The physical revolution taught us to harness basic natural forces. The biological revolution revealed the mysteries of life, from genetics to medicine. The agricultural revolution allowed for settled societies while the industrial revolution introduced mass production, fundamentally altering economies and lifestyles.


Today, we are in the midst of the technology revolution, driven by artificial intelligence, automation and vast computational power. As Jane highlighted, AI, in particular, is reshaping industries, communication and creativity. Her concern was though that as technology accelerates, what comes next and will we be able to step into our humanity?


Jane believes that the next step could be what she calls the ‘Resolution Revolution’. This is her term for a movement that focuses not on external advancements but on resolving the inner conflicts of human life. This step requires us to reconnect with our humanity to address ethical dilemmas, mental well-being and our relationships with the natural world. Jane's work is love-centred and calls for a balance between technological progress and human values, ensuring we remain stewards of compassion and wisdom and deepen our understanding of ourselves, one another and the world.


You only have to switch on the news to see how this focus on humanity is a call to arms to act now. Daily, we are reminded that the rapid pace of technological progress should not blind us to the pressing social, environmental and ethical challenges facing our world. With AI transforming every aspect of society, proactively prioritising human wellbeing, equality and sustainability is key. We find ourselves at this pivotal moment in history where we need to ensure technology serves humanity, not the other way around.


Focus on Humanity. Focus on WHY!

ACTION POINT - How will you step into your humanity today? 

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