What do penicillin, Post-it notes, the pacemaker, Coca Cola, chocolate chip cookies and the slinky toy all have in common? They were all serendipitous inventions created by accident whilst in the pursuit of other ideation processes. Turning thoughts into ideas and then taking action to make them a reality, people have created many life-changing household items in this manner. Ok, maybe not all are life-changing however you'd have to agree that the slinky toy is a lot of fun!
“The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel they are valued.” Sir Ken Robinson
Talking with one of my coaching clients this week, I opened up the worlds of Michael E Gerber and Roger Hamilton to him. Gerber's book The E-Myth Revisited is one I recommend to many clients to understand how to leverage roles and responsibilities in their business early on and also to understand how ideation becomes their reality. Invaluable if you are an entrepreneur looking to make it past the first five years of business where the majority fail. Hamilton’s Wealth Dynamics system has also been invaluable to me in my business and to my clients.
Having completed the Wealth Dynamics profile, I discovered that I was a Star with Creator and Supporter secondary profiles. Knowing this has helped me to understand more about how I operate and who I need to have in my team for my business to function efficiently. What it has also allowed me to see is that you don’t need to be a big picture thinker or a creator to have all the ideas. Ideation comes in all different ways and in business it is a necessary function that all parties bring different thoughts and ideas to the table.
So how do you ideate and activate your divergent thinking in your business? Do you brainstorm? Do you use mind maps? Do you spitball in a group with post it notes or whiteboards? Do you challenge assumptions?
Do you have those shower moments? Do you find yourself daydreaming or take advantage of being in alpha frequency when you first wake and free write or journal? Do you watch the rain trickle down the pane? Do you allow your thoughts to wander? Do you ask the ‘What if? questions? Are you curious? Do you have a growth mindset? Do you think outside the box?
These are all great ways to activate ideas however sometimes thinking inside boxes is actually really helpful for ideation. Creating a morphological box as an ideation tool can instigate a myriad of ideas by combining different elements in logical and illogical ways. Another invaluable tool I discovered when reading Simon Middleton's book, Build a Brand in 30 Days.
If you are trying to problem solve a particular issue or you’re in the early concept stages of an idea, pull together a morphological matrix and see how many different perspectives it displays. A simple 4x8 grid with 32 boxes will give you 4096 different combinations. Add another column or row and that gives you 32,678 options. More ideas than you will likely ever need in a lifetime!
“Once you define exactly what your purpose is you won’t even have to try to figure out how to make money. The ideas will flow freely as if someone was whispering in your ear. Everything will come together beautifully.” Bob Proctor
Build on your ideas, refine them and focus to make them a reality. An idea without a plan stays just an idea.
Last year, I had an idea for a new podcast, Focus on WHY. I made it happen through the freedom of focus. Now, almost 200 episodes later, that idea has created an entire business and changed the course of my life. One idea has taken me on a journey of purpose and fulfilment. A journey where I have connected with and inspired thousands of people, worked with hundreds of people to help them with their purpose, to launch purposeful podcasts and to initiate ideas, aha moments and ripple effects.
Steve Jobs had a mantra which was of focus and simplicity. The whole ‘less is more’ approach with applied focus. Often simple is complex. There’s a paradox for you to ponder upon. However, I believe that the freedom of focus enables you to achieve the outcome you desire.
Ideate, create, deviate, innovate, fixate! Have a Purpose. Have a Plan. Focus on WHY!
How do you activate your divergent thinking?
What ideas do you have which will create your future?
These books have been fundamental for me in building a business.
The Micro-Script Rules by Bill Schley - https://amzn.to/3xpOXVg
Head Strong by Tony Buzan - https://amzn.to/3dSaGh0
Build a Brand in 30 days by Simon Middleton - https://amzn.to/3hoA00m
Traction by Gino Wickman - https://amzn.to/3xoHBl2
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E Gerber - https://amzn.to/2TJu098
Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz - https://amzn.to/36hAy1C
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Wealth Dynamics - https://www.wdprofiletest.com/mobile/yourprofile.php