“Are you in the water waiting to be saved or are you striding purposefully up the bank looking to solve problems?” This is my reflection to Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s words; “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” We each have the opportunity to carve our own path and create our own lives. When we take control of our lives and live with purpose, we make choices and these choices in turn create opportunities. When interviewing Julie Creffield, Tribe Leadership Expert and Community Engagement Strategist, for Episode 137, Chasing Freedom earlier this year, she shared how she chooses one word which becomes her one focus for the year ahead. All her decisions and her choices are aligned and driven by that one word. Her word for 2020 was ‘Freedom’ ironic really as we went into a year of lockdowns. For 2021, Julie chose ‘Authority’. I decided to adopt this idea for 2021. Lots of different words bubbled up to the surface and yet one word kept rising to the top pushing others to the side. Even though I didn't yet understand fully why is was that word I went with it. ‘Opportunity’ was to be the one word to rule them all. You can tell I’ve been watching Lord of the Rings over the Christmas holidays. What I mean is that I chose ‘Opportunity’ to be my driving force for 2021. In a year plagued by restrictions, lockdowns and knock-backs, I seem to have thrived, excelled and grown personally and professionally. My coaching business has grown significantly. Focus on WHY has been a wonderful platform for me to engage with people fulfilling my values of achievement, brilliance, connectedness, diversity and effervescence. As Napoleon Hill said, “Your big opportunity may be right where you are.” Indeed it was. What a year 2021 has been! My chosen word guided me through the year and served me well. For me, 2021 was a year of Opportunity and I have shared my full journey in detail in my latest Reflections with Actions episode 238. With a Focus on Opportunity, it has made me open my eyes to all sorts of different ways of approaching, discovering and understanding opportunities. That it wasn’t just a case of spotting them as they really are everywhere but that I had the ability and the desire to also create opportunities. What opportunities have you created this year? What’s my word for 2022? I have chosen ‘Adventure’, as it means an unusual and exciting or daring experience, so let the adventure begin! Over to you, what's your word? Don't overthink it. Just go with the word that floats to the top. The word that you may keep batting aside trying to think of something better or different. Go with what your gut says, what your heart says and share that word with me. Share it with as many people as you can because when you have that word in your mind, so many magical things will happen. It will be your driving force for 2022 and remember to Focus on Opportunity! Happy New Year!
ACTION POINT What’s your word for 2022? What word will you choose to be your guiding force?