"What you have in the PSA is respect. Respect for one another. Respect for who they are and what they stand for. It’s incredible and yet no one seems to speak of it.”
What a beautiful reflection of the environment this guest experienced at a PSA SE meeting this week. He said he’d been to three meetings now and this is what he had observed as being the culture within the room on every occasion. He also said he admired what I had achieved as Regional President, how professionally the meetings were run and that I led the group with respect.
Despite being one of the Professional Speaking Association’s Core Values, it’s true, no one really speaks of respect within the PSA. It is just assumed as a given. It’s only when someone from outside the PSA points it out that we can recognise just how much we do hold respect for each other. What a gift that is. That we are able to share a safe space where we feel accepted by one another. Where respect is not forced. It has been built with trust.
In a LinkedIn post, Gill Tiney shared that she “felt nurtured and cared for and in a safe space. Huge thanks to Amy Rowlinson for creating this culture, the group are a huge credit to her and the very involved committee.”
I remember my first PSA meeting back in March 2020. I turned up and I was blown away. Mostly by the variety of loud speaker shirts! No, I’m just kidding. The moment I stepped into the room I knew that this was going to be a pivotal moment in both my personal and business life and I haven’t looked back since.
I have not experienced another membership organisation that has brought me so much richness of knowledge, diversity of industry and breadth of expertise as the PSA has. Becoming a member of this incredible group of people was the obvious choice.
What I love is the generosity, warmth and encouragement that you receive from others. The speakers are inspiring, engaging and knowledgeable in their fields. The format of a PSA meeting encourages honest and productive feedforward in the pursuit of growth and progress. Respect is to be found here in abundance.
When I took over the role of Regional President of PSA South East in December 2021 from the wonderful outgoing President David Henson, I shared with the room that we were the lucky ones because we had found this incredible space of mutual respect.
My mission as Regional President for 2022 was twofold. To raise wider awareness of the PSA to those who would benefit personally and professionally and to have fun in the process. Essentially to spread the PSA love.
It gave me huge pleasure to pass over the reins of Presidency to one of the first people I met back in that first meeting on 3rd March 2020. I know Rob May will continue to grow the PSA in the South East Region and have fun doing so because he embodies the value of respect. He listens, is open to change and is aware of leading people the right way.
What’s your relationship with respect? How do you show respect for others? How do you show respect for yourself?
Focus on Respect!
ACTION POINT - How does respect show up in your life?