What is Strength of Purpose? Your strength of purpose is the determination behind what drives you to achieve your goals. It helps you to focus. It helps you to understand how to overcome all obstacles which are discovered on your way not in your way.
It helps you to put life in perspective and focuses you on the things that are most meaningful to you. Regardless of what you do, the WHY, your driving cause, needs to have clarity and consistency.
Purpose often involves connecting to something larger than yourself whether that is through your contribution, a cause that you support or a commitment you make. So not only do others benefit but your strength of purpose contributes to your health and well-being particularly after experiencing an adversity of some kind.
A clear sense of WHY sets your expectations, it sets your destination and the path to achieve it is focused to ensure you stay on course. Someone said there is no point having a rocket if you don’t have a compass to point you in the right direction.
This week Focus on WHY reached the 300 episode milestone. Over the last 300 episodes, there have been a mixture of solo and guest interview episodes with guests from all walks of life from all around the world sharing WHY they do what they do.
This podcast has now become my purpose, a life project that will continue to evolve and fill me with joy. It is such a privilege to be able to hold a space and listen to people with their purpose and pull it together as a curated library of wonderful pioneers of purpose.
The reason I called this episode Strength of Purpose is to recognise the incredible strengths that people have displayed when faced with adversity. In very difficult times, they have each come through using their strength of purpose as their superpower to show resilience, perseverance incredible achievements in the pursuit of what they truly desire in life as a result of their overriding Focus on WHY.
In the celebratory milestone compilation episode 300 of Focus on WHY, past and future guests and several audience members share with me their key insights on what Strength of Purpose means to them. What I really want to illustrate here is the diversity and yet the connectedness that is formed through people’s purpose and the pursuit of it.
Connectedness is key in the strength of purpose!
If you haven't had a chance to tune in yet. I highly recommend that you do. It's a cracker of an episode. Here is the link!
Focus on Strength of Purpose!
ACTION POINT - Do you know what your purpose is and are you living a purposeful life?
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