My message today for you is one of simplicity. It’s free and available to all. It’s about support. Offer support and ask for support if and when you need it. Listen. Show your support by listening. Simply by holding a space where others can share how they are feeling without judgement. How else can you show support? Help, give assistance or care for someone. Give words of encouragement through kindness, positivity or love. Ok, so now all I can hear is the Beatles song playing on repeat in my head! “All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need” Well, it’s true. Love is all you need and to support someone is an act of love. “Sometimes our first and greatest dare is asking for support.” Brené Brown I used to be too proud to ask for help thinking that it showed up as a weakness. Now I see it as a strength and willingly seek out help and support. This year we are all facing different circumstances and have been affected by the pandemic in different ways. Steve Judge, (Focus on WHY guest on episode 004), describes this scenario as, “we may all be in the same storm however we are in different boats.” I consider myself fortunate to belong to several incredibly supportive communities within the property, podcasting and public speaking industries where I have been both on the receiving and giving ends of support valuing every transaction I’ve experienced. “Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” Misty Copeland At the beginning of the first national lockdown, I had an idea to support you, helping you to find purpose and meaning in life and provide you with inspiration when you were surrounded by uncertainty and fear. I created the podcast Focus on WHY. It was at the same time that one of my friends, Darren Burrows, volunteered many hours for Harvest for Heroes, delivering free fresh fruit and vegetables to frontline staff. It was Darren who set off a ripple effect by introducing me to Chris Leek (episode 023) that led to a call with Lisa Gill (episode 063) which manifested in my support today for Parkinson’s UK by including their Time for Can campaign on Focus on WHY to help raise awareness for this charity. “We rise by lifting others.” Robert Ingersoll ACTION POINT Simple acts or gestures can make the world of difference to someone. Who can you reach out to support today? Amy